Sunday, December 6, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 24

24. A time when Hekate has helped me:

I haven't been a Devotee to Hakate long enough to claim She’s made miracles in my life but she's given me strength time and again to not give up when it feels like I'm about to crumble. She was there for me when my last grandparent passed away a couple of months ago. She gave me strength when my nuclear family faced major financial constraints to not give up and to keep pushing through. She helped during a particularly tough day that I'd rather not get into publically, not in ending my anguish or stopping what was going on, but by giving me strength to endure. Really though, that would probably be the biggest so far. Some similar instances years ago before I embraced this path, calling out to a different deity and felt nothing, no comfort, nothing but emptiness. Probably one of the most enlightening moments on this path, and one of the reasons I know beyond reasonable doubt that this is right for me.

She also gives me strength to get up some days. I have *several* chronic illnesses that I haven't gotten into here yet (I have an older blog that isn't updated that is devoted basically just to my health) and some days I just want to lay in bed but I can't most days. She gives me the strength to push through when all I want to do is give up. And weeks like these when everyone keeps getting sick including myself. Especially like for myself where I'm chronically ill, every other illness I get makes the chronic illnesses so much worse and add that on top of trying to stay on top of bills (can't mope in bed) AND caring for 3 also sick children. I'll be the first to admit, some days it takes extreme effort to function. I really can't wait until this cold/sickness season is over but She's dragging me through it regardless of my self pity parties. Since the week before Thanksgiving, J, my youngest,  came home with a fever of 103.5°F, a wet cough and an ear infection. She then passed her fever to S and D, her older sisters and came down with Pink Eye, which she then also passed to her sisters AND me. Now my sinuses are aggravating me, my ears and throat are starting to get sore and my face is flushed (on top of literally just getting rid of pink eye but not 100%). My heart rate and blood pressure are protesting. I'm just waiting on the flu or something.

I'm hoping all sicknesses are gone by Christmas (preferably before school break). Goddess knows I've been relying on all my strengths to stay afloat these last several weeks. I think I'd have fallen apart if not for her.

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