Wednesday, December 2, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 19

19. What quality or qualities of this god do you most admire?  What quality or qualities of them do you find the most troubling?

I don't necessarily not like any of her qualities. I don't emulate all of them myself but I like a lot of who She is and how She helps me. She leads those who society normally shuns, those that battle mental illness (like my own anxiety and depression and PMDD mood swings and even perhaps bipolar as runs in my family), of the LGBTQQIAP community  (of which several of those I hold dear are a part of), of witches (of which I am one), etc. She is the Torchbearer, She who shines light on the paths you may take and on problems you may be facing. Even if it isn't always pleasant. I may not necessarily LIKE what She shows me but I know ultimately that it is right and I needed to see it. She may not hold my hand and whisper empty promises that it'll all be ok, and I respect that because sometimes it just isn't, and sometimes I may want it to be ok but even if it's not She gives me the strength to keep going.

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