Saturday, December 26, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 30

30. Any suggestions for others just starting to learn about this deity?

Touch screen phones are going to be the end of me. If I delete a whole blog post while trying to copy and paste from my notepad ONE MORE TIME...

We've reached the END. Way to go us!

Anyway. The biggest thing for me is probably to do your own research. Don't just follow other people's interpretations, not mine, not a random stranger, someone in a facebook group, a random site just because it says it's devoted to Her or have been practicing for 20 years. Do your OWN research and find out how She works with YOU. Is she going to appear to you as a triple goddess, a maiden, a crone? I don't personally believe in the triple form or crone aspect. It kind of bothers me to be honest. I can't speak for other Hekateans but it just steps all over me the wrong way for some reason. And like I've said a million times, I won't tell another that they're wrong (just why I feel it isn't traditional or why that particular view came into existence/popularity). That is between you and Hekate. It's not my place to tell you She can't appear a different way. I don't know that to be true or false, I can only say what **I** see. See what I mean?

Another is to actually DO. Many people shy away from actively worshipping, especially with something new or if they're new to the path. Don't be afraid to work with Her because four course rites (big lengthy multi part rites - like a four course meal) are intimidating or you haven't finished your "year and a day" and are hesitant to actually do just yet. I have just as many positive outcomes from small offerings on Her altar and just being myself. Calling out to Her, stating my intentions in what I'm asking for or for Her, asking for small requests or guidance in or to something. I've yet to actually be let down in either full rites or just small ones. Don't be afraid to reach out, introduce yourself, state your intentions in Her, leave an offering, etc. Her worship is about more than just research.

And of course, don't expect everything to be sunshine and roses. If that's what you want let me just go ahead and stop you right there. It's not always going to be pretty or fun. Sometimes it will down right suck. I mean, it's not fun being forced to face something hard that you would rather hide from. To practically be shoved into awareness and responsibility, yea, not always the best time. But it is definitely worth it.

Bright Blessings my fellow Hekateans new and old. Hail Hekate!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 29

29. Any interesting or unusual UPG to share? 

I typed out a big post but hit a button when I copied it on my phone and it deleted it. Sigh.

Ok so I'll shorten it to UPG *I've* encountered. It's a short list since I haven't been on this path as long as some.

I've found she likes saffron incense as an offering.

She also likes tea, I'm not a wine drinker so I really don't buy it. I'm considering buying small quantities for special rites but I have no use for big bottles and would only use it for devotion. I typically use pomegranate tea.

I also feel called to cover my hair in rites or celebrations, though not in every day life and not necessarily modest or for modesty. Loose draping for instance. I know some people are the opposite and feel called to unbind or I've even read dreading. My hair is up in a pony tail 90% of the time and to wear it down I have to straighten it (which would be my ideal method but isn't feasible often for health reasons). As frizzy and wild as it gets when dry it would just distract and annoy me if left completely unbound. That may be a cross over from my every day life. I hate leaving my hair unbound and untamed but I want to do more than just the usual ponytail.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 28

28. Something you wish you knew about Hekate but don’t currently.

I think the people who created this ran out of ideas for prompts. The whole point of not knowing is you don't know what to ask. I know quite a bit but there's always more to know.

Maybe since there's so much guesswork on her origins, I'd like to know where she originated, Thrace, Mesopotamia, near there, not even close, where, beyond just our inferring fact based on ancient information.

I'm drawing a blank here. There's always that pesky heated debate (that I've basically beaten to death) on whether it's ok to see her as a Crone or Maiden/Mother/Crone. What She really thinks. Me personally, not my monkeys, not my circus but I do think it's at best a modern spin on it and not really accurate.

Ok seriously, that's all I can think of.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Meet The Witch Behind Calypso

So I've been toying for a couple days with a plan to do an introduction. The first post (which is generally reserved for introducing) was more of a why this blog and why Hekate. 


About me. I am 26 years old, Year of the Snake, which I love. I've had several snakes over the years myself. I'm also a Gemini and it definitely shows. A lot of people say zodiac are rubbish but I read the basics (as in overall details, not daily "fun" horoscopes) and I find myself agreeing with a majority of what it says. 

I am married, have been for 9 years and have been with my husband for 11 years.  We have 3 daughters together, S9.5, D7.5, and J4.5. It's kind of touchy in terms of religion as mostly everyone in this area is Christian. My children ask to go to church on occasion but I'm trying to teach them that it isn't the only option, nor is mine the must take path. Husband isn't necessarily sure what he believes anymore, so we'll see where that leads. 

I have numerous chronic illnesses and more that haven't. It took 13 years to get the first diagnosis and an additional 3.5 to get where I am now. It's honestly like pulling teeth. Actually no, pulling teeth is a breeze compared to modern medicine when you're complicated. My neurologist calls me a special snowflake. I'm not sure how I feel about that to be honest. My electrophysiologist just says my case is complicated. Most of these you'll probably have never heard of unless you or someone you know have them. They are as follows;

Hyperadrenergic Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome - also called Hyper POTS. The hyper part means my adrenaline system is hyper active and my blood pressure while usually normal to low, turns hypertensive while standing  (Orthostatic), my heart rate also goes a bit crazy with any activity which was originally diagnosed as Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia. Along with the same line, I also have PACs and PVCs so sometimes even while sitting it goes a bit haywire. A form of Dysautonomia.

Neurocardiogenic Syncope - or NCS, a fainting disorder that seems to be temporarily in somewhat remission. Before, my blood pressure was low on a normal day but would drop dangerously low and occasionally my heart would briefly stop beating. With the HyperPOTS manifesting and everything else driving my blood pressure up, I no longer lose consciousness, just get super dizzy. When I get some of the other disorders under control, my blood pressure issues may resolve to where I'm back to passing out (joy). Also a form of Dysautonomia.

Narcolepsy - I don't have cataplexy but I do still take naps and sleep quite a bit along with insomnia. Sometimes I fall asleep and can't help it. I call them microsleep, they last roughly 30 minutes and I always wake up anxious and my heart racing.

Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Insulin Resistant PCOS - my hormones are ... more than screwed. My thyroid antibodies are in the thousands (normal is below 35) and my insulin levels for a year have been quadruple what they need to be. Last check they were only double that which was "ok" but not good enough so hopefully it's getting there. I'll skip the details into the more feminine aspects of PCOS.

Migraines with and without aura - self explanatory on the migraine part. The aura, also called ocular migraines take my vision both central and periphery though not at the same time. It usually means a bad one is coming but gives me time to treat.

Neuropathy due to the insulin resistance pre-diabetes and Dysautonomia. My hands, arms, legs and feet "fall asleep". I wake up with numb arms, if I'm sitting, my legs fall asleep. Sometimes it's so bad I have to hobble instead of walk.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder - PMDD, think ... PMS on steroids. Anxiety, depression, rage, weepiness. All or switching for 2 weeks. My anxiety gets so much worse during this time and EVERY little thing sets me off. 

It took 13 years to get the NCS diagnosis and the rest have trickled in over the past almost 4 years (4 in February for the official diagnosis though unofficial from November 4 years ago). Most of the time if I hadn't fought, it would have been brushed off. NCS only came because my doctor told me there was nothing he could do and I asked him if I was just expected to suffer because no one could explain why I've been passing out since age 10. That "Well we have one more test we can try." Was the turning point for where I am now. The Hyper POTS diagnosis took an additional 3 years and traveling 6 hours one way for an all day appointment. The narcolepsy diagnosis I had to get a second opinion because even with a "classic positive" MSLT sleep study, she couldn't believe I had so much wrong with me. That second opinion was with a neuro sleep specialist (most sleep studies are done by a pulmonology sleep specialist - like my MSLT) who looked at it, said "Yep, that's positive, why did she send you to me?" Good question doc. My Hashi, I had to request the *right* tests because the normal ones ran, came back normal. Seems that's always the tests. They all come back normal until the doctors run the tests they don't usually run or the "well there's one last test" tests. Fun right? Yea.

Next subject, most of this region, and I guess by default, my family, are southern baptist. That's how I was semi raised. We moved 8 hours away when I was 10 so no familial or regional influence after and my mom wasn't practicing prior to moving. Just holidays with family. I think I've questioned what I was told to believe for as far back as I can remember. It was either a non issue or I was questioning it. Long strings of reaching out to a deity that wasn't answering, feeling abandoned, watching the hypocrisy, no thanks. Cliché as it is, my love for all things other began by kids tales. Sabrina the teenage witch, Harry Potter, the like. Then one day while browsing the books in the library at my moms work I found one of those girly books, spells for girls on love and luck and beauty... you know what I'm talking about. I still have that book. I've been tiptoeing down the line ever since. I think before now I was overwhelmed by the sheer amount of information and so many options and didn't know how to reach out and take it. 

Mundane stuff, I love reading, curling up with a good book and a cup of herbal tea, and writing, swimming. I love cop shows, CSI (all of them), Law & Order (SVU), NCIS, Chicago Fire/PD/Med, Criminal Minds, etc. I also like the SiFi stuff, Minority Report, Grimm, Charmed, etc. Also, I find it kind of hard to relate when picking "music selections" relating to the craft because my favorite (on one hand) is Rap/R&b/Hip hop. I do genuinely like the songs I linked the other day but in finding them... I have no clue where to even begin most days. 

Ok my brain is numb from the info dump. I can't think of anything interesting enough to share.

Bright Blessings!
~ Calypso

Thursday, December 10, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 27

27. Worst misconception about Hekate that you have encountered?

Didn't we cover this on page 9 already? I feel like I should just copy and paste from 9 because there's only so many ways I can talk about the Maiden/Mother/Crone aspect or the singular Crone aspect. I'm starting to feel like it's just repeat repeat repeat.

- Repeat from #9 -

This one is a bit iffy. As I said in my previous entries, Hekate is different things for different people. Obviously I have the picture in my head of who and what She is, as well as the feeling of wrongness when I see Her described differently. Then again, who am I to tell a Devotee that they are wrong, if She appears to one a certain way, and another to another, what business is it of mine? Obviously this blog prompt made it my business at least for the duration of this writing so I may as well cover it to the best of my abilities.

One of the most common is of that as Hekate as Crone Goddess. No stories or depictions have surfaced where Hekate is a Crone. Maid and Mother yes, Crone, no. In fact, aside from Shakespeare's Macbeth, which describes Hekate's witches as hags, but not Hekate Herself, Aleister Crowley is the first to actually describe Hekate as a Crone. Then again, like I said, She has appeared many ways to many people over the centuries. If she appears to you as Crone or if your path devotes yourselves to her as a Crone, that is between you and Hekate. As yet, Hekate has not shown herself to me as an elderly anything and I feel uncomfortable describing her as such. I even go so far in my *personal devotion* to avoid the crone terminology and will reword things to escape it. Again, that's just my *personal* devotion. I'm not here to tell you how to worship, just to present as much detail as possible so you may decide for yourself.

Another common misconception is that She's evil or some such nonsense. I admit (and I believe I've admitted in an earlier post) that when I first started really immersing myself into Paganism, I actually avoided Hekate because of all the misconceptions about Her. I mean, a fresh faced new witch (especially one with anxiety like me) that had been interested for years but ran for cover every time, doing research and hearing how dark and dangerous and evil She is? Yea, I skipped on by Her without more than a mild by your leave. I trusted everyone else and didn't even try looking for myself. I suppose I can blame it on being so overwhelmed with everything that I was taking the easy way out. I'm glad She stuck around though.

Which brings me back to her "evil" misconception. I've written in previous blog posts about some of the reasons people think badly about Her and also the true reasons behind them. Like how She shows us (from my post on Day 1) through the light of her torches, that which is already there, illuminating the subconscious, shining light on the shadows of our self doubt. Some say this is Hekate sending demons after them, or nightmares, or torturing them when in reality, she is merely showing us what we need to see so that we may over come it. So that we may heal. Though it is what we NEED it is often not what we WANT. And that can be a scary process.

She is also Queen of Ghosts, of the Restless Dead, Queen of the Underworld. That can be scary to think about. It is a dark topic but dark doesn't equal evil. Death is a part of life, we all die. That doesn't mean there is anything malignant in Her workings with the Underworld.

Furthermore, yes She is one you don't want to take lightly but would you anger Aphrodite, or Hera, or Zeus, or how about Apollo? No? I didn't think so. It would be just as foolish to anger them as it would Hekate but does that stop their followers from following them? Perhaps some are intimidated enough to not persue it but overall, no it does not. No one said this path was easy or inherently safe. It's one of the reasons for casting circles, for amulets and talismans, for protection jars or bags ad crystals. There is danger in so many things that we do. The question is, do you think it is worth the risk.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 26

26. How has your relationship with Hekate changed over time? 

How has it changed? Hmm. I suppose if anything, it's grown stronger. I've mentioned time and again that by most standards. I'm very new to my devotion to Hekate, less than a year. At first I was hesitant. Not in embracing Her but in that I knew literally nothing about Her, nothing of what I was doing and really I was amazed to have even been picked by a deity and had a Patroness. Not everyone does. Sure you can worship any deity but you'll see time and again in research that not everyone has a Patron deity and not every deity you call to, to see if they are or will accept you, actually will. I felt like I did but was prepared for disappointment (in case I didn't).

These days I'm just working more towards becoming even closer to her. I'm fully devoted, bound by rites as a Devotee and Priestess to Her but there's always more work to be done in Her name. I don't think I'll ever stop working to be closer to Her unless such time comes where She feels time to move on, which also does happen. For now, I'm just trying to do my part.

Monday, December 7, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 25

25. A time Hekate has refused to help:

Seems like, like me, several devotees have a ton of experience with her not really saying outright "No" but instead telling us that we're capable of doing it ourselves. Just like my post yesterday, what I asked for and what I got weren't and aren't always the same thing. Probably a good thing too considering. But in a round about way I still got results.

One thing to consider when asking for things, Hekate won't just grant every request for you. Especially if you're fully capable of doing it yourself. You may not THINK you can but time and again She'll show you that you can. She also likely won't grant you frivolous things you don't need. So I wouldn't bother asking for a vacation house in the keys or a yacht or things of that nature. Even things you may need, sometimes the most you'll get is the courage to strike out and do it yourself.

There's been a couple of times when I've been ... pretty wound up. A ball of emotions and stress and sought Her help and She gave me strength to push through it but didn't do it for me or even lead me in the right direction. Sometimes it's enough for her to say "I'm here with you but this you must do yourself."

Sunday, December 6, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 24

24. A time when Hekate has helped me:

I haven't been a Devotee to Hakate long enough to claim She’s made miracles in my life but she's given me strength time and again to not give up when it feels like I'm about to crumble. She was there for me when my last grandparent passed away a couple of months ago. She gave me strength when my nuclear family faced major financial constraints to not give up and to keep pushing through. She helped during a particularly tough day that I'd rather not get into publically, not in ending my anguish or stopping what was going on, but by giving me strength to endure. Really though, that would probably be the biggest so far. Some similar instances years ago before I embraced this path, calling out to a different deity and felt nothing, no comfort, nothing but emptiness. Probably one of the most enlightening moments on this path, and one of the reasons I know beyond reasonable doubt that this is right for me.

She also gives me strength to get up some days. I have *several* chronic illnesses that I haven't gotten into here yet (I have an older blog that isn't updated that is devoted basically just to my health) and some days I just want to lay in bed but I can't most days. She gives me the strength to push through when all I want to do is give up. And weeks like these when everyone keeps getting sick including myself. Especially like for myself where I'm chronically ill, every other illness I get makes the chronic illnesses so much worse and add that on top of trying to stay on top of bills (can't mope in bed) AND caring for 3 also sick children. I'll be the first to admit, some days it takes extreme effort to function. I really can't wait until this cold/sickness season is over but She's dragging me through it regardless of my self pity parties. Since the week before Thanksgiving, J, my youngest,  came home with a fever of 103.5°F, a wet cough and an ear infection. She then passed her fever to S and D, her older sisters and came down with Pink Eye, which she then also passed to her sisters AND me. Now my sinuses are aggravating me, my ears and throat are starting to get sore and my face is flushed (on top of literally just getting rid of pink eye but not 100%). My heart rate and blood pressure are protesting. I'm just waiting on the flu or something.

I'm hoping all sicknesses are gone by Christmas (preferably before school break). Goddess knows I've been relying on all my strengths to stay afloat these last several weeks. I think I'd have fallen apart if not for her.

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 23

23. Your own composition – a piece of writing about or for this deity 

I already wrote one devotional hymn this past month (that I can't share as it was an offering directly to Hekate and not for public view). I'm also super sick so I'm doing excellent just stringing two sentences together.

Hail Hekate! Torchbearing Mistress and Keeper of Keys.
She who guides me through the darkness.
Illuminating the paths on which I travel,
Leading me through both triumph and sadness.

Hail Hekate! Night Wandering Savior.
She who wanders the night with her restless dead.
Mistress of Magic, She of the Three Paths,
Walk me down these roads of mine and lead me not astray.

Hail Hekate! Sovereign Goddess of Many Names.
Unconquerable Queen of the Crossroads.
Blessed Be Thy Names
O' Glorious Saffron Cloaked Lady of the Night.

Copyright (c) Rosalind Calypso – All Rights Reserved. If you see this or any of my other works copied *without crediting or permission* please contact me here or at calypso (dot) rose423 (at) gmail (dot) com.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 22

22. A quote, a poem, or piece of writing with which Hekate resonates:

What better piece of writing than an Orphic Hymn to Hekate?

Einodian Hekatên, klêizô, Trihoditin Erannên,
Ouranian, Chthonian, te kai Einalian, Krokopeplos.
Tymbidian, Psychais Nekyôn meta bakcheuosan,
Perseian, Philerêmon, agallomenên elaphoisi.
Nykterian, Skylakitin, amaimaketon Basileian.
Thêrobromon, Azôston, aprosmachon Eidos echousan.
Tauropolon, Pantos Kosmou Klêidouchon, Anassan,
Hêgemonên, Nymphên, Kourotrophon, Ouresiphoitin.
Lissomenos, Kourên, teletais hosiaisi pareinai,
Boukolôi eumeneousan aei kecharêoti thymôi.

Hymn I: To Hekate
Hekatê of the Path, I invoke Thee, Lovely Lady of the Triple Crossroads,
Celestial, Chthonian, and Marine One, Lady of the Saffron Robe.
Sepulchral One, celebrating the Bakchic Mysteries among the Souls of the Dead,
Daughter of Persês, Lover of Solitude, rejoicing in deer.
Nocturnal One, Lady of the Dogs, invincible Queen.
She of the Cry of the Beast, Ungirt One, having an irresistible Form.
Bullherder, Keeper of the Keys of All the Universe, Mistress,
Guide, Bride, Nurturer of Youths, Mountain Wanderer.
I pray Thee, Maiden, to be present at our hallowed rites of initiation,
Always bestowing Thy graciousness upon the Boukolos.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 21

21. Music that makes me think of Hekate:

Nocturnal Hekate - Daemonia Nymphe

Hekate - Wendy Rule

Unda - Faun

Hekate - Seelenreise

Orphic Hymn to Hekate

Voda - Elitsa et Stoyan

Agreeing with another devotee here too. Not 100% on the music but the video itself.
Frozen - Madona

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 20

20. Art that reminds me of Hekate:

I know it says "that reminds me of Hekate" but what better way than to post images that people have made OF Hekate. I'm not big on art or interpreting art so I picked a few images I've come across that really speak to me of Hekate.

By Jo-Freyr @ DeviantArt
This one speaks to me particularly as a Devotee. I don't typically follow Hekate as a triple deity oras a 3 headed deity or any other than singular but for some reason a few of these DO speak to me despite or maybe because they're in triple form.

HECATE By Victoria Frances 
I LOVE this one. Triple Goddess and all. 

The only source I can find on this says "Mermade Arts"
Hecate by Mari-Na (on DeviantArt)
Hecate by Hrefngast (on DeviantArt)
I'm not sure if I should read more into the fact that several of my favorite pieces on Hekate are of a triple Goddess. But I love all of these. Maybe I should look into more single pictures.

30 Days of Devotion to Hekate: Day 19

19. What quality or qualities of this god do you most admire?  What quality or qualities of them do you find the most troubling?

I don't necessarily not like any of her qualities. I don't emulate all of them myself but I like a lot of who She is and how She helps me. She leads those who society normally shuns, those that battle mental illness (like my own anxiety and depression and PMDD mood swings and even perhaps bipolar as runs in my family), of the LGBTQQIAP community  (of which several of those I hold dear are a part of), of witches (of which I am one), etc. She is the Torchbearer, She who shines light on the paths you may take and on problems you may be facing. Even if it isn't always pleasant. I may not necessarily LIKE what She shows me but I know ultimately that it is right and I needed to see it. She may not hold my hand and whisper empty promises that it'll all be ok, and I respect that because sometimes it just isn't, and sometimes I may want it to be ok but even if it's not She gives me the strength to keep going.