27. Worst misconception about Hekate that you have encountered?
Didn't we cover this on page 9 already? I feel like I should just copy and paste from 9 because there's only so many ways I can talk about the Maiden/Mother/Crone aspect or the singular Crone aspect. I'm starting to feel like it's just repeat repeat repeat.
- Repeat from #9 -
This one is a bit iffy. As I said in my previous entries, Hekate is different things for different people. Obviously I have the picture in my head of who and what She is, as well as the feeling of wrongness when I see Her described differently. Then again, who am I to tell a Devotee that they are wrong, if She appears to one a certain way, and another to another, what business is it of mine? Obviously this blog prompt made it my business at least for the duration of this writing so I may as well cover it to the best of my abilities.
One of the most common is of that as Hekate as Crone Goddess. No stories or depictions have surfaced where Hekate is a Crone. Maid and Mother yes, Crone, no. In fact, aside from Shakespeare's Macbeth, which describes Hekate's witches as hags, but not Hekate Herself, Aleister Crowley is the first to actually describe Hekate as a Crone. Then again, like I said, She has appeared many ways to many people over the centuries. If she appears to you as Crone or if your path devotes yourselves to her as a Crone, that is between you and Hekate. As yet, Hekate has not shown herself to me as an elderly anything and I feel uncomfortable describing her as such. I even go so far in my *personal devotion* to avoid the crone terminology and will reword things to escape it. Again, that's just my *personal* devotion. I'm not here to tell you how to worship, just to present as much detail as possible so you may decide for yourself.
Another common misconception is that She's evil or some such nonsense. I admit (and I believe I've admitted in an earlier post) that when I first started really immersing myself into Paganism, I actually avoided Hekate because of all the misconceptions about Her. I mean, a fresh faced new witch (especially one with anxiety like me) that had been interested for years but ran for cover every time, doing research and hearing how dark and dangerous and evil She is? Yea, I skipped on by Her without more than a mild by your leave. I trusted everyone else and didn't even try looking for myself. I suppose I can blame it on being so overwhelmed with everything that I was taking the easy way out. I'm glad She stuck around though.
Which brings me back to her "evil" misconception. I've written in previous blog posts about some of the reasons people think badly about Her and also the true reasons behind them. Like how She shows us (from my post on Day 1) through the light of her torches, that which is already there, illuminating the subconscious, shining light on the shadows of our self doubt. Some say this is Hekate sending demons after them, or nightmares, or torturing them when in reality, she is merely showing us what we need to see so that we may over come it. So that we may heal. Though it is what we NEED it is often not what we WANT. And that can be a scary process.
She is also Queen of Ghosts, of the Restless Dead, Queen of the Underworld. That can be scary to think about. It is a dark topic but dark doesn't equal evil. Death is a part of life, we all die. That doesn't mean there is anything malignant in Her workings with the Underworld.
Furthermore, yes She is one you don't want to take lightly but would you anger Aphrodite, or Hera, or Zeus, or how about Apollo? No? I didn't think so. It would be just as foolish to anger them as it would Hekate but does that stop their followers from following them? Perhaps some are intimidated enough to not persue it but overall, no it does not. No one said this path was easy or inherently safe. It's one of the reasons for casting circles, for amulets and talismans, for protection jars or bags ad crystals. There is danger in so many things that we do. The question is, do you think it is worth the risk.
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