30. Any suggestions for others just starting to learn about this deity?
Touch screen phones are going to be the end of me. If I delete a whole blog post while trying to copy and paste from my notepad ONE MORE TIME...
We've reached the END. Way to go us!
Anyway. The biggest thing for me is probably to do your own research. Don't just follow other people's interpretations, not mine, not a random stranger, someone in a facebook group, a random site just because it says it's devoted to Her or have been practicing for 20 years. Do your OWN research and find out how She works with YOU. Is she going to appear to you as a triple goddess, a maiden, a crone? I don't personally believe in the triple form or crone aspect. It kind of bothers me to be honest. I can't speak for other Hekateans but it just steps all over me the wrong way for some reason. And like I've said a million times, I won't tell another that they're wrong (just why I feel it isn't traditional or why that particular view came into existence/popularity). That is between you and Hekate. It's not my place to tell you She can't appear a different way. I don't know that to be true or false, I can only say what **I** see. See what I mean?
Another is to actually DO. Many people shy away from actively worshipping, especially with something new or if they're new to the path. Don't be afraid to work with Her because four course rites (big lengthy multi part rites - like a four course meal) are intimidating or you haven't finished your "year and a day" and are hesitant to actually do just yet. I have just as many positive outcomes from small offerings on Her altar and just being myself. Calling out to Her, stating my intentions in what I'm asking for or for Her, asking for small requests or guidance in or to something. I've yet to actually be let down in either full rites or just small ones. Don't be afraid to reach out, introduce yourself, state your intentions in Her, leave an offering, etc. Her worship is about more than just research.
And of course, don't expect everything to be sunshine and roses. If that's what you want let me just go ahead and stop you right there. It's not always going to be pretty or fun. Sometimes it will down right suck. I mean, it's not fun being forced to face something hard that you would rather hide from. To practically be shoved into awareness and responsibility, yea, not always the best time. But it is definitely worth it.
Bright Blessings my fellow Hekateans new and old. Hail Hekate!